Full Power | Wim Hof Method

The power of the group to support and move you past your perceived boundaries

Contact me for details. 



Train your breathing for what you want in life. Scientifically proven techniques to improve oxygen uptake, calm the nervous system, and optimize breathing mechanics.

--An integration of Oxygen Advantage, Lief HRV biofeedback, and Buteyko --

Manage moment-to-moment stress, improve breathing pattern disorders, sleep better, learn to control your nervous system. If you’re not training your breathing for sports and exercise, you’re leaving 4-10% on the table. Here’s how to train and unlock that potential. 7 wks

full program description

Wim Hof Method

Happy. Healthy. Strong. Access the deepest parts of your physiology and explore and expand your resilience. 

Fundamentals Workshop - Learn and experience the 3 pillars of the Wim Hof Method: breathing technique, cold exposure & commitment. Find out how you can utilize oxygen and cold exposure to optimize body & mind, and learn about the underlying physiology. 4-6 hrs

Advanced Workshop - Go deeper into the pillars of the Wim Hof Method. Learn new and advanced techniques- interoception, growth mindset, challenges, powerbreathing, brown fat activation breathing, iterative ice baths. Upon completion, you will have the tools you need to improve your energy flow, increase your body’s flexibility and mind focus - gaining this awareness will help you enhance the mind-body connection. 4-6 hrs

CHALLENGER DEep - coming soon!

 Discover your true depths and capacity to live fully in a deep dive into mindset, discipline, evolutionary potential, and physical challenge. A different challenge and mindset goal each week, mixed with fun and support, to put your full power at your fingertips!

10 wks